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Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Fast Optical 48-Well Reaction Plate



On demand
SKU : 4375816
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 45
Minimum quantity : 5
Brand origin : United States
Expiry time : On demand
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Unit size : 20 Plates

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ Fast Optical 48-Well Reaction Plate


The Applied Biosystems® MicroAmp® Fast Optical 48-Well Reaction Plate is is optimized to provide unmatched temperature accuracy and uniformity for fast, efficient PCR amplification. This plate, constructed from a single rigid piece of polypropylene in a 48-well format, is compatible with the Applied Biosystems® StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System.



  • Maximum thermal conductivity for precise thermal cycling
  • Reproducible, specific, and sensitive real-time PCR results in just 40 minutes
  • Validated with other system components for consistent results
  • Each reaction plate includes a unique serialized, eight character number label (barcode) that is user-readable and machine-readable to prevent tracking errors



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