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Gibco™ Dispase II, powder



In stock
SKU : 17105041
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 1
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : USA
Expiry time : On demand
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Unit size : BTL/5G

Gibco™ Dispase II, powder


Dispase II (neutral protease) is an amino-endo peptidase that hydrolyzes the N-terminal peptide bonds of non-polar amino acid residues. This sequence is found with high frequency in collagen. Dispase II has a mild proteolytic action that makes it useful for the isolation and routine passaging of primary cells. Dispase II is relatively gentle, dissociates well at physiological temperature and pH, and generally maintains cell membrane integrity. is produced in Bacillus polymyxa and packaged as a lyophilized, non-sterile powder for research use in cell or tissue dissociation, and to prevent clumping in suspension cultures. Gibco® Dispase II activity is guaranteed to be greater than 0.5 units/mg


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