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Eppendorf Conical Tubes, 50 mL, 2D SafeCode, sterile, pyrogen-, DNase-, RNase-, human and bacterial DNA-free, colorless, 500 tubes (10 bags × 50 tubes)



On demand
SKU : 0030113497
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 100
Minimum quantity : 10
Brand origin : Germany
Expiry time : On demand
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Unit size : 500 Tubes (10 bags × 50 tubes)

Eppendorf Conical Tubes, 50 mL, 2D SafeCode, sterile, pyrogen-, DNase-, RNase-, human and bacterial DNA-free, colorless, 500 tubes (10 bags × 50 tubes)


Eppendorf tubes are available with SafeCode - a well-designed 2D barcoding system. Take advantage of the pre-labeled and durable 2-level coding of the SafeCode system (datamatrix code and clear coding) to enable safe sample identification. The safe sample ID is supported by additional online information about the dedicated consumable at the Eppendorf dataport.
The tube range covers different volumes from 5 mL to 50.0 mL for a broad range of applications at the bench. This set of vessels expands your safe sample identification solution from the existing SafeCode CryoStorage Vials at -80 °C storage towards daily work at the bench.



  • 2-level coding for safe sample identification
  • ECC 200 error correction function enables safe code reading with up to 30 % damaged codes
  • Temperature range: -86 °C to +121 °C
  • Manufactured from high-quality polypropylene for highest sample purity
  • Off-the-shelf availability for comfortable handling
  • ID-specific tube information like lot numbers digitally available via Eppendorf dataport and website for comprehensive documentation
  • Direct import of codes and all data into eLabInventory and eLabJournal® software for convenient handling

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