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DNA AWAY™ Surface Decontaminant


On demand
SKU : 7010PK
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 0
Minimum quantity : 10
Brand origin : USA
Expiry time : On demand
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Unit size : 250 mL

DNA AWAY™ Surface Decontaminant


Degrades DNA more quickly and effectively than autoclaving, eliminating unwanted DNA and DNase from glassware and plastic ware without affecting subsequent DNA samples.

  • Suitable for gel boxes, pipettes, benchtops, thermal cyclers, or other apparatus
  • Use before performing PCR or working with DNA for a DNA-free work area
  • Simply apply the ready-to-use formula to the surface to decontaminate, then wipe dry or rinse clean

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